Peter-Michael Osera

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science
Grinnell College

My mission is to help people harness the power of computation in its many forms, in particular, through computer programming. I accomplish this through two paths:

I co-lead the Systems and Languages @ Grinnell (SL@G) group at Grinnell with Charlie Curtsinger where we investigate problems at the intersection of systems, programming languages, human-computing interaction, and computer science education. I also collaborate with the Laboratory for Molecular Programming (LAMP) at Iowa State University. My work has been supported in part by the National Science Foundation through EAGER and CAREER awards.


Grinnell students: check out my MAP page for information about joining my research group!
Foundations of Program Synthesis We investigate mathematical foundations for program synthesis that encompass the wide variety of "synthesis-like" activities sturied in programming language theory such as auto-completion, type inference, implicit argument inference, and proof search.
Molecular Programming We develop programming language abstractions for molecular programming where chemical reactions rather than electrical signals are used as the substrate for computing.
Mathematics Education in Computer Science We investigate how programming language theory can motivate and support mathematics education in computer science.


(I am currently on sabbatical for the 2023–2024 academic year!)
Prior Course Websites I maintain archives of my course materials below. If you are a prior student and need access to materials specific to your course offering, feel free to get in touch!


For college business, general questions, business inquiries, etc., please contact me via email: Note that I try to limit my email processing to the beginning and the end of the day, so please do not expect an immediate response during the day.
Office Hours I hold regular office hours throughout the week for all Grinnell students including those in my current courses as well as my advisees. Feel free to drop by my office, Science 3811, if you have a content, career, or advising questions or if you just want to say hi! Note that my weekly office hours may be moved or canceled due to unexpected circumstances. Please watch the relevant announcement channels for updated office hour times if you are currently in one of my courses.
Letters of Recommendation If you would like me to write a letter of recommendation for you, please fill out my letter request form, and I'll get back to you promptly. If you no longer have a Grinnell email to access the form, feel free to contact me via email!